Information For Authors
Guidelines for authors
1. Articles
Andes magazine. Anthropology and History will permanently receive unpublished articles for publication in Spanish, Portuguese or English, which will be put for consideration by the Editorial Committee. Once this stage is approved, the articles will be sent to two external referees through a double-blind process. If necessary, it will be referred to a third evaluation.
Andes magazine does not charge fees for the submission of works, refereeing or editing tasks, nor fees for the publication of its articles.
The journal is open access, free and free.
The works must be original, they must not have been previously published, either partially or totally, in any type of support - paper or electronic - nor have they been presented simultaneously in another publication. The authors will send this declaration in a note with their signature inserted in which they will also request the publication of the article in Andes magazine. The note will also include the following adhesion and authorization:
- I/We adhere to the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license (CC BY-NC-SA), through which the author allows the copy, reproduction, distribution or public communication of the work and the generation of derivative works, as long as the original author is cited and acknowledged and the terms of the license are maintained. It is not permitted, however, to use the work for commercial purposes. It is not permitted, however, to use the work for commercial purposes. The authors may establish additional agreements for the non-exclusive distribution of the version of the work published in the magazine (for example, placing it in an institutional repository or publishing it in a book), with the indication that it was first published in Andes magazine.
- I/we authorize its publication while retaining the authorship rights and I/we assign and transfer to the magazine all the rights protected by the intellectual property laws that govern in Argentina referring to the edition to disseminate the work in digital format in which the magazine is hosted.
- I/We declare that we have the permission of the file or repository where the documents or images attached to the work were obtained, whatever their format, permission that authorizes them to publish and reproduce them, releasing the magazine and its editors from all responsibility or claims from third parties.
The note must also include personal data of the author, academic title, institutional affiliation and email address.
If accepted, the article will be published in electronic format and hosted on the portals in which Andes magazine is indexed.
The sending of the original - in a Word word processor version - and the publication request note with the data stated in the previous paragraphs will be made through files attached to the official email of the magazine:
Articles that do not comply with editorial standards will not be considered for evaluation.
The originals must be between 20 and 25 pages in length, including tables, maps, graphs, images and summary in Spanish and English. They will be presented on A4 size paper, with side margins of 3 cm and top and bottom margins of 2.5 cm, in Times New Roman 12 font, single spaced. Each paragraph of the work will begin with an indentation of 1.25. Works that do not meet these requirements will not be taken into account by the Editorial Committee of Andes magazine.
The title of the work, in Spanish and then in English, must be centered, in capital letters and bold.
Next, the full name of the author, institutional affiliation (referenced in full, without acronyms or abbreviations) must be included, also indicating place of work, country and email address.
Abstracts in Spanish and English, of no more than 15 lines, must be included on the first page. Next, 5 (five) key words will also be included in Spanish and English. Subtitles will be placed in bold, without indentation. Do not include numbering in the subtitles or any other references (letters, asterisks, etc.). If secondary subtitles are used, they must be written in italics.
The authors must keep in mind that Andes magazine has an international reach, so it is necessary to provide information accurately. For this reason, they should avoid the use of expressions that are only fully understandable to a local audience, such as “our country”, “local space”, etc.
To guarantee greater objectivity in the evaluation process of the works presented, the authors will send their articles anonymized. They must eliminate all mentions, references, quotes and other elements that could reveal their identity. A work of your own will be referenced as follows within the body of the text: (Author, year and page number). If the article is accepted for publication, the author must submit a new, non-anonymized version.
Bibliographic citations within the text
Andes Magazine adheres to the APA (American Psychological Association) standards format, so bibliographic references must be placed within the body of the text in parentheses and in regular font, specifying the last name of the author, the year of publication and the page number.
The transcription of textual quotations included in the body of the text must be done in italics and between quotation marks in Times New Roman 12 font. If they have a length of more than three lines, they must be incorporated as a separate paragraph, in italics, without quotation marks, in Times New Roman 11 font, without ellipses and with an indentation of 1.25 cm for the entire paragraph, without a right indent.
If the quote comprises more than one page, two pp. will be placed, then a period, and finally the numbers separated by a hyphen.
When reference is made to a text produced by three or more authors, the surnames of all of them are indicated in the first citation. The following times only the surname of the first of them will be recorded and then add the abbreviation et al. followed by a period.
In the case of referring to a work or article of corporate authorship, the name of the organization will be used instead of the surname, followed by all the data previously recorded. The first reference to this type of work must include the full name of the organization or institution followed by its acronym. The following times only the acronyms will be used.
In no case will the expressions ibid, ibidem or ob be used. cit. Neither in the body of the text nor in footnote citations.
References to unpublished documentary sources must be placed in footnote citation, font size 10, Times New Roman, single spacing. First, the name of the repository will be entered. When citing a documentary repository for the first time, indicate its full name and specify the corresponding acronyms with which the following citations will be made. Example: General Archive of the Nation (hereinafter AGN). Immediately afterwards, the following data will be entered: Room (if any), Background, File, Subject, Folio, Place and date. Ex.: AGN, Room VII, Andrés Lamas Fund, File 11, Royal Decree, Salta, 1696, Fs. 4.
This item includes citations to newspapers, weeklies, etc., which must be indicated with their corresponding repositories. Ex. Newspaper archive of the Salta Library (hereinafter HBS), Section E, Diario El Tribuno, Title of the note, 09/16/1955, p/pp.
The use of the following abbreviations is recommended: Vol. (Volume); Leg. (File); Carp. (File); Expt. (Record); Fs. (Folio/s).
In all cases the superscript must be placed before the punctuation mark. If tables made in Word or Excel are included, they must be incorporated into the text with its corresponding title (top) and font (bottom) in Times New Roman 11 font and bold. Graphics, illustrations or photographs must be made in compatible programs (Excel or jpg) and must have the necessary quality for reproduction (between 200 and 300 dpi). They must be in a different file, with the corresponding title and source, indicating in the article the place where they should be incorporated.
Bibliographic references
At the end of the work, a bibliographic list, ordered alphabetically, of the works cited in the article will be included. Works by the same author must be ordered chronologically.
When referring to various works by the same author, the surname and initial of the first name must always be included. In no case should lines (-------) be used.
All scientific articles, book chapters, audios, videos, images and even software that are cited in the article and that have been assigned a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) number must be included at the end of the data provided below.
The citation of each work must contain the following information:
Last name and initial of the name of the author, author(s), year of publication of the work in parentheses. Title in italics. Name of the publisher without abbreviations. Shared authorship books must respect this same order. As established by APA standards, 7th edition (2020), the place of edition should not be cited.
The reference to the quality of director, coordinator and/or editor of a book must be abbreviated and in capital letters after the Surname and Initial: (Dir.) (Dirs.) (Ed.) (Eds.) (Coord.) (Coords.) (Comp.) (Comps.).
book chapter
Last name and initial of the name of the author, author(s), year of publication in parentheses. Chapter title in normal font. Initial letter of the name of the person responsible for the edition followed by a period, then the full surname. Place in parentheses if you participate as coordinator, compiler, director or editor with abbreviation and capital letters. Book title in italics. Editorial and pages.
Magazine articles/periodicals
Last name and first initial of the author, year of publication in parentheses. Title in normal font without quotes. Name of the journal in italics, vol., journal number in parentheses, pages.
Magazine article in electronic format
With DOI
Last name and first initial of the author, year of publication in parentheses. Title in normal font without quotes. Name of the journal in italics, vol., journal number in parentheses, pages. DOI.
Last name and first initial of the author, year of publication in parentheses. Title in normal font without quotes. Name of the journal in italics, vol., journal number in parentheses, pages. Enter the address http:/…
Presentations and conferences
Last name and initial of the author, author, year of the scientific meeting in parentheses. Title in italics. Type of presentation (conference, presentation, round table, poster). Name of the scientific event in regular font. Place, day/s and month. Unpublished theses Last name and initial of the author, year of defense of the thesis. Title in italics. Type of thesis and clarification that it is an unpublished work. Institution and place where the thesis was defended.
Published theses
Last name and initial of the author, year of defense of the thesis. Title in italics. Type of thesis. Institution and place where the thesis was defended. or http://xxxxx Institutional repository
Multimedia resources
Film and/or documentaries Zeballos, J. and D´ Eufemia, F. (2017). Escape from Patagonia [film and/or documentary]. Poncho Cine SRL.
YouTube Resources:
NEWMEDIA UFM (2017). History and its method.
2. Dossiers
The dossiers will have one or two coordinators. They will include a minimum of 4 (four) articles that will have the same presentation conditions indicated in point 1. Dossier proposals require the presentation of a brief resume of the coordinators, the title of the dossier, the summary of the topic, and the name and surname of the participants and institution of affiliation.Once the dossier proposal is accepted, the journal will proceed to its external evaluation, for which the coordinators will send the editorial standards to the authors and will send the journal a presentation or introduction and the originals received.
3. Bibliographic reviews Andes
Magazine will accept for publication reviews of books published in the last three years prior to the publication of the magazine issue. The maximum length for them is 3 (three) single-spaced pages in Times New Roman 12 font. The reviews must contain in their header the complete bibliographical citation of the reviewed book, including the number of pages. At the end of the review, the full name of the author must be included, including their institutional affiliation and email address.
Reviews will not include notes or bibliography.